0 matching Land Plots in Popovo

Neighbouring areas

  • Palamartsa
  • Medovina
  • Slavyanovo
  • Gagovo
  • Zvezda
  • Seyachi
  • Zaraevo
  • Nevski
  • Svetlen
  • Kardam


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About Popovo

Property in Popovo, a charming little town in the Targovishte region of north east Bulgaria, could be ideal for those looking for tranquillity. The remoteness of the area means that Popovo properties can be purchased for incredible low prices. This beautiful rural region affords great opportunities for outside pursuits such as hiking, horse riding, angling and boating on the nearby lakes. Many houses in Popovo require some degree of restoration, but their low starting prices mean that with relatively little outlay, once restored they represent a great investment.